Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Message From 3rd Most Persecuted Whistle Blower in the World . . .

. . . although on a relative basis, it is admittedly a distant third, behind Julian Assange and Bradley Manning, likely because the matter at hand has nothing to do with national security.  Notwithstanding, the matter at hand represents a vicious assault on civil liberties that shakes the foundation of the personal security of law-abiding U.S. citizens.  For it could happen to Spencer C. Young, it could happen to ANYBODY.  

As articulated in his message, the WRONGFUL arrest and UNLAWFUL incarceration of Mr. Young on FALSE charges is "an assault on American Freedom" and "a  truly disturbing instance of judicial corruption and law enforcement run amok".

                                    Assange                                                                   Manning

During the UNLAWFUL incarceration of Spencer C. Young on entirely FABRICATED charges that were made up OUT OF THIN AIR (and later dismissed as such) by corrupt Durham North Carolina District Attorney Leon Stanback in an diabolical effort to cover-up the multiple FELONIES of North Carolina Judge David Q. LaBarre and his girlfriend (Leah R. Krier), he was denied access to any computers and also UNLAWFULLY denied legal counsel. 

   District Attorney. Stanback                                       Judge LaBarre with Leah Krier

As a result, Mr. Young had to handwrite messages to be posted on-line or otherwise disseminated by email through a private investigator he had hired. These handwritten messages were then secretly handed off during visits by his private investigator, who would then upload these documents to this website and mail out copies to a variety of others, as directed, with the ultimate goal of securing Mr. Young his rightful freedom.  One such document is reflected below.

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