Monday, December 12, 2011

Congressman David E. Price Asked To Oppose SOPA & Help Resolve The Worst Foreclosure Fraud in US History

My Congressional representative is David E. Price of the 4th District of North Carolina. Notification urging him to: (1) oppose the censorship of the internet (the Stop Online Piracy Act), an instance of hegelian dialectic; and (2) get involved in resolving THE WORST BANK FORECLOSURE FRAUD IN US HISTORY is reflected below:

The text of the submitted message reads as follows:"Two points: (1) The Stop Online Piracy Act would censor the Internet, stifle innovation, and kill jobs.  I am your constituent, and I urge you to oppose this legislation; and EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY; (2) I need you to get INVOLVED in resolving THE WORST BANK FORECLOSURE FRAUD IN US HISTORY, involving Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo (via Wachovia) and Paragon Commercial Bank) -- go to:

And due to the importance of your involvement in this matter, this is also being posted online at:

Note:  A follow-up phone call was made to Congressman Price's office click here to hear how it went. (recording was made in accordance with applicable Federal & State law).

1 comment:

  1. On December 16, 2011, Congressman Price responded by indicating he would likely oppose the SOPA legislation in its current form, BUT HE IGNORED THE WORST BANK FORECLOSURE FRAUD ALTOGETHER !! This is inexcusable, especially in the context of the lengthy discussion held with one of his staff. Refer to Dec 19 blog post at:


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